WHY BECOME A MEMBER? Membership identifies us as a follower of Christ (Ephesians 2:19, Romans 12:5). It expresses our love for God in desiring to fellowship with God's people.
Membership provides accountability and a nurturing environment to grow (Galatians 6:1-2; Ephesians 5:21). We need to be reminded of the gospel every week to walk a life of faith and obedience. Having the church in our lives helps us to grow in our understanding of the Bible, work through life's big questions, and to remain faithful in the Christian life.
Membership gives us a place to discover and use our spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:4-27). God grants us with natural gifts and spiritual gifts. Having others in our lives helps us discover those gifts, and how we can use them for the kingdom of God.
God desires you to be an active part of a local church (Hebrews 10:24-25). We are not meant to live life alone. We are made for Christian community. Placing ourselves within a local church encourages us in faithfulness in the Christian life as we continually gather together for worship and fellowship.
MEMBERSHIP PROCESS God desires the church to be a family of believers who grow, share, serve and worship together. Our membership process is designed to give everyone a solid foundation of our beliefs, values, and Christian principles, along with encouraging members to commit to protecting, supporting, and serving the church.
STEPS TOWARD MEMBERSHIP 1. We invite you to talk with a pastor and express your desire to be a part of the D3 Church family. You will then be presented as a member candidate. 2. As a member candidate you will be introduced to D3 Church doctrines, core values, ministry philosophy, and ministry opportunities through the New Members Class.